Hi! I'm Devanathan,

Software Developer & Computer Vision Enthusiast.

Professional Works

An interactive washroom management and maintenance application that makes the life of the worker, supervisor and the general public way better.

An application offering frictionless shopping experience for the customers.

A healthcare application that brings right care right at home.

Alert system when a car being hacked through an external device like radio attack, which can interface with the electronic setup of the embedded systems in the car on wireless mode.

A wearable device that acts as an aid for the Alzheimer and Parkinson patients.

Product defects due to mismatch in the screwing process by tracking the sequence of the screwing process using Computer Vision and an user friendly reporting mechanism.

About Me

Vaa Arunachalam.. Nee varuva nu enakku theriyum. (I know you'd come here xD). I hail from Singara Chennai, and I also refuse to speak in Hindi.
'The best way to predict the future is to invent it.'- Alan Kay. I have always wanted to stand out from the crowd, pursue my goals on my terms. At 17, I built my first Android Application, Sudoku Solver as a computer science high school student. I graduated with in Information Technology from SSN College of Engineering - Anna University, currently working at Samsung Electronics America as a Software Engineer.
Seri coming to the point,
I am a passionate developer who loves to code and create new products and address problems or situations that bother me through the Software World and I'm striving to achieve that goal. My passion for building products is fueled by cracking people’s problems through hackathons, which included presenting my work to others, engaging in thought-provoking conversations, learning cutting-edge techniques, and inspiring keynote speeches. Also I am a National Level Hackathon Player.

I was surrounded by cousins and relatives of similar ages while growing up in a joint family, due to which I have always been in circumstances that have required me to try my hardest, even as a youngster. I've competed at the state level and had ambitions to play professional cricket for the nation. Sports have taught me to run with passion, control the controllable and focus on the process rather than results. In the 11th grade of high school, I suffered a terrible injury that made me give up my cricket career, which completely shifted my focus to academics. Steering through academia was challenging, yet I had to fight out the hard way with strenuous efforts and composure as it was not something that I was affluent naturally compared to Sports.
I played Professional Cricketer who was on a dream to play in the highest standards possible according to my capabilites and an Amature Carnatic Violinist. I was a State Level Athlete which got a full stop. Thanks to the injuries. I have failed on several occasions right from my schooling till date, and do try to rise above and succeed.
Weird to mention this? Yes, I do strongly feel that Success has got many forefathers. But failure is an Orphan! You gotta take responsiblity. Mentioning about my success and acheivements can be stalked in my Resume itself.

Finding anything unusual or interesting about me? Or wanting to know more and discuss on Professional front? Sure.. You can always ping me.

Contact Information

I would be happy to connect with you! You can ping me here or on any of the social platforms mentioned.